The parish is the center of faith formation for Catholics. Our goal is to provide individuals with an environment where you can build and grow your relationship with God, know and love Him, and live as His disciples in our community. We provide youth, teen, young adult, and adult formation and ongoing education classes.
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Item LinkWelcome to Baptism – the sacrament that opens the door of faith to your child and into the Roman Catholic Church. The baptism of your child offers a great opportunity to deepen your appreciation for and experience of the faith.
Therefore at St. Anthony Church in Wailuku, there is a mandatory Baptism Class that both parents and godparents must attend. The Baptism Class is to help prepare you and help you understand more about the sacrament. The class helps clarifies each person’s role in the child’s faith formation and spiritual growth. Thus, why it is very important that parents and godparents make time for this class.
For Baptism, you may select two godparents/sponsors. However, only one is required. If one is chosen, he/she must fulfill the qualifications listed on the Baptismal godparent(s) Form. If two are chosen, one must be male and one female; also, at least one must fulfill all godparent requirements.
The following is a checklist for you to help in getting the necessary documents to our office before the baptism of your child(ren).
Submit copy of your child’s Birth Certificate. | Complete Godparent(s) Form including the date and church of Confirmation; and marriage, if applicable. |
Complete Baptismal Form and submit it to the parish office on or before the Tuesday before the Baptism class. | A copy of the Confirmation Certificate is needed; also Marriage Certificate, if applicable. |
Submit the completed Baptismal godparent(s) Form(s) & Certificate(s) of Sacrament(s). | |
Baptisms are celebrated within the Mass on the last weekend of the month. |
To register, go to the Forms page to complete the Baptismal Forms and the Baptismal Godparent(s) Forms.
Confirmation is a sacrament of Christian Commitment and a deepening of baptismal gifts. Like Baptism and Eucharist, it is a Sacrament of Initiation for Catholics and of faith in God’s fidelity to us. It confers on a person a greater responsibility in Christian life.
Our program for youth covers a two year period of instruction for students. A copy of your baptismal certificate is required when you register for classes and schedule an interview.
If you have any questions, please contact us at (808) 244-4148 or
To register, go to the Forms page and complete the Religious Education registration form.
Baptized children who are in at least the second grade are eligible to begin their preparation for the sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist. In our parish, this is a two-year process with students receiving their First Reconciliation in May of year one and their First Communion in May of year two.
Children who have been baptized but not received First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion and who are at least in the 5th grade are eligible to participate in the Sacramental Preparation program. This program prepares the student to receive First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion. It is a two-year process with students receiving Religious Education instruction at their appropriate grade level in their first year and Sacramental Preparation in their second year. This program is available to students in grades 5 to 11.
To learn more or enroll your child, please contact us at (808) 244-4148 or
Young people have gifts that can transform a faith community, if the community is open to those gifts and the changes that they may necessitate. Youth ministry is as much about helping young people as it is about helping young people to share their gifts with the parish community.
Youth Ministry, as defined by the US Bishops in Renewing the Vision, includes middle school youth (grades 6-8) and high school youth (grades 9-12). These age groups should be ministered to within different programs and events because of age and developmental differences.
Goals of Catholic Youth Ministry:
To learn more about or join our Youth Ministry, please contact us at: (808) 244-4148 or
Adult faith formation is a process, an approach, a philosophy. In adult faith formation, we utilize prayer, liturgy, programs, retreats, social outreach, study, small faith sharing groups, reflections, etc. to deepen relationship with God, self and others.
Adult Faith Formation:
The rite of Christian initiation is designed for adults, who, after hearing the mystery of Christ proclaimed, consciously and freely seek the living God and enter the way of faith and conversion as the Holy Spirit opens their hearts.
RCIA Sponsors and Companions are persons who are willing to support, “walk with,” and/or sponsor those who are seeking membership in our Church.
Sponsor Requirements: Being an active, practicing Catholic; a willingness to be ambassadors of the Church; a commitment to attend and participate in RCIA sessions and team meetings on a regular basis; being available to the inquirers and candidates; having a willingness to share faith (i.e., your own spiritual journey); and having a willingness to attend workshops related to RCIA.
Those who are interested in learning more about catholicism are encouraged to contact our office at (808) 244-4148 or
Catholic but not confirmed?
The priority of any Confirmation preparation process is to assist our Catholic adults as they deepen their relationship with Jesus Christ. Developing and strengthening one's relationship with the person of Jesus as well as with his Body, the Church, is tantamount. Confirmation empowers the faithful to more fully live out their baptismal call; sacramental preparation should be offered with this goal in mind.
Let us help you get started on the confirmation process! Please contact our office at (808) 244-4148 or
A pdf version of the full guidelines for Adult Confirmation can be found here:
Catholic schools exist for the formation and education of their children in the Catholic faith, gospel values, traditions, and the love and knowledge of the person of Jesus Christ. The development of the whole person: spiritually, intellectually, personally, socially, and physically, is the focus of Catholic education.
The Hawaii Catholic Schools Office works to foster the Catholic Identity, networking and collaboration, leadership development, academic excellence and operational vitality of the Catholic Schools in the Diocese of Honolulu. Our vision is for each student to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and are people of Faith, Integrity and Scholarship.
To learn more about catholic school education, please visit the Hawaii Catholic Schools website:
The only Catholic school on Maui that offers a seamless preschool through Grade 12 high school experience, our curriculum consists of core classes and lesson plans that are essential for all ages. Students are supported by a favorable student-to-teacher ratio, allowing for early intervention and securing a foundation for success and excellence for children of all levels. Innovative enrichment courses in specialized fields like fine arts and technology ensure creativity, individuality, excitement toward learning, and the ability to compete in the modern workforce.
St. Anthony School is a Marianist sponsored PreK – 12 Catholic school where all are welcomed in the spirit of aloha. We are committed to serving mind, body and spirit in a nurturing and challenging academic environment that inspires each student to be their individual best for the world.
To learn more about St. Anthony Schools, or to enroll your child, please contact our school office at (808) 244-4190 or
Come and experience the revelation of Scripture in our daily lives. “The Catholic Church recognizes the Holy Bible as a primary source for understanding one’s relationship to God and others,” according to the New American Bible. Clergy and laity use it as a teaching tool.
All that is required is your commitment to know, love, and serve God in a special way through the teachings of the Holy Bible. Bible classes are held weekly except for the summer months.
For more information or to enroll, contact us at (808) 244-4148 or
Office Hours: M-F, 8am-12pm, 1pm-5pm