At St. Anthony Parish, we are blessed with many dedicated people who serve in our ministries to the Lord. Whether you are in need of information on our programs or would like to join us, we welcome you!!
The primary role of the altar server is to assist the priest and deacon, if present, in the celebration of Mass. This is done through specific actions and by setting an example to the congregation by active participation in the liturgy, by looking alert, and sitting, standing, or kneeling at the appropriate times. Altar Servers are assigned to serve at all weekend Masses, special Masses, Benedictions, and Stations of the Cross or as needed by the priest.
Requirements: All altar servers must have their Sacrament of Holy Eucharist and receive training before being assigned at Mass.
Contact: Fr. Ace or Joseph Cardoza
Church decorators are the group that ensures our church is appropriately decorated for each liturgical season. The aim is to draw us into worship and to remind us of the facets of Christ’s life, death, and Resurrection that are being celebrated in particular liturgies in the Church calendar.
Requirements: A willingness to volunteer a few hours of your time and share your expertise to help decorate our worship spaces at certain times of the year.
Contact: Madelyn Pascual
Just as our homes need cleaning, so does our church, God’s house. Church cleaners would wash windows and screens; polish counters and furniture; sweeping, mopping, vacuuming the entire church; and clean restrooms. Each person is assigned to a certain chore and given the cleaning schedule for the year.
Requirements: No special requirement except a sense of responsibility and your total commitment to this ministry. If we can create more cleaning teams, it will lighten the burden. “Many hands make light work.”
Contact: Sr. Eva Mesina, CSJ
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion distribute the Holy Eucharist to the Sunday assembly. As a baptized Catholic, one is already participating fully and deeply in the ministry of Jesus. As a minister of Holy Communion, one is called to serve the body of Christ, the Church, as it performs its most important work – the Eucharist. Like all ministries, this is a great honor and a great responsibility. It should be undertaken with the intention to grow in one’s devotion to the Mass, to the Church that celebrates it, and to the Lord, through Whom, with Whom, and in Whom it can be done.
Requirements: Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion must receive the sacraments of initiation, registered members of our parish, and received the sacraments of initiation. Those who become special ministers of Communion must be persons whose good qualities of Christian life, faith, and morals recommend them. Humility, hospitality, gratitude, and reverence are four qualities each minister brings to this ministry. Must be trained first before starting in the ministry.
Contact: Haunani Gapero
Hospitality Ministry does involve leadership and responsibility, but it also offers many great rewards. Our primary duties are performed at the Sunday Masses, but we are also sometimes called upon to serve for special occasions. It may seem like a lot, but we work as a team, and our team would welcome additional members. If you enjoy meeting people and sharing your love with others, if you enjoy watching the children of our parish grow up before your very eyes, or if you would just like to become more involved in our church community, then please consider joining our awesome team!
Requirements: One must be a young adult or older and be ready to greet our people and be aware of all the various details that make up our liturgy. This includes opening and closing of the church; identifying the handicapped and disabled if they wish to receive the Eucharist; designating a family to bring gifts to the altar; assisting in the Communion flow; passing the collection baskets during Masses; distributing bulletins; along with setting up additonal chairs and breaking it down after Mass.
Contact: Michele Hondo
The reader's ministry is proclaiming the Good News – making the Word flesh – again. Answering this call, you enter into a deeper relationship with God. As a reader, you give voice to God’s healing and strength as it is revealed in Sacred Scripture. You become a prophet speaking for God.
Requirements: One must be a registered member of St. Anthony parish and have received the sacraments of initiation. Be in good faith (right with God), eager to serve and willing to engage in ongoing formation for effective service. This ministry also requires certain abilities – confidence, public speaking, voice projection and clarity. Training is asked of anyone who is willing to be a reader.
Contact: Val Standing
The gift of music is one of the many benefits God has showered on mankind. Choir leaders, singers, organists, other instrumentalists, and cantors – all have been given a talent to be used for God’s glory and for building up the Church. Endowed with this gift, one shows gratitude, appreciation, and thanksgiving to God by using it well and often.
Requirements: Under the leadership and guidance of the Choir Director. One does not have to read music notes but have a basic understanding of music. Be able to carry a tune and hold a note, and follow the rythm of the music.
Contact: Rosie Johnson
Faith Formation Ministries include: Baptism Preparation, Bible Study, Engagement Encounter, Marriage Encounter, Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA), and Religious Education.
Come and experience the revelation of Scripture in our daily lives. “The Catholic Church recognizes the Holy Bible as a primary source for understanding one’s relationship to God and others,” according to the New American Bible. Clergy and laity use it as a teaching tool.
Requirements: Your commitment to know, love, and serve God in a special way through the teachings of the Holy Bible. Bible classes are held weekly except for the summer months.
Contact: Martha Haleakala & Pauline Higgins
Our community hosts multiple weekends per year across the islands of Hawaii. Team couples volunteer their time to share the gift of marriage with engaged couples. We are blessed and thankful for the clergy that guides us through each weekend.
Requirements: We invite you to experience a Catholic Engaged Encounter weekend. Please contact the parish office to arrange for a Catholic wedding before registering. A marriage involving a baptized Catholic outside of the Catholic Church is invalid. We do, however, welcome couples not getting married in a Catholic ceremony if both the bride and groom are not baptized Catholic.
Contact: Richard and Alesia Macugay
The mission of Worldwide Marriage Encounter is to proclaim the value of Marriage and Holy Orders in the Church and in the world. Worldwide Marriage Encounter is a weekend for married Christian couples who value their relationship and desire a richer, fuller life together. Attend a Marriage Encounter weekend and learn the tools needed to keep your marriage strong. The emphasis of Worldwide Marriage Encounter is on communication between husband and wife, who spend a weekend together away from the distractions and the tensions of everyday life, to concentrate on each other.
It’s not a retreat, nor a marriage clinic, nor group sensitivity. It’s a unique approach aimed at revitalizing Christian Marriage.
Contact: Lee and Tanya Barbero
OCIA Companions and Sponsors: Persons who are willing to support, “walk with,” and/or sponsor those who are seeking membership in our Church.
Requirements: A commitment to attend and participate in OCIA sessions and team meetings on a regular basis; being available to the inquirers and candidates; having a willingness to share faith (i.e., your own spiritual journey); and having a willingness to attend workshops related to RCIA.
OCIA Presenters: Persons who have the expertise and are willing to prepare a presentation on a given topic. Requirements: Undergoing an interview with the Faith Formation Direcotor; being an active, practicing Catholic; and being a credible witness to the faith.
Contact: Tanya Barbero
The Faith Formation program, like OCIA, is another important parish program. It is a hope-filled program that focuses on the spiritual development of our young people – the future of the Church. The program is an aid to parents, helping them form active and viable Christians. All parishioners must be vitally concerned with the effectiveness and viability of the program. We need all catechists and teachers aides.
Catechist: A catechist is a teacher of the faith. Requirements: Being a faithful and active Catholic; a willingness to prepare lessons and dedicate one hour on Sundays to teaching children; a willingness to work with children; a willingness to learn and grow in your faith and be able to share this with children; attend workshops and training sessions; compliance with the diocesan policies regarding Safe Environment workshops and catechist certification; and attend scheduled catechist meetings.
Catechist Aide: An aide helps and supports the catechist in fulfilling his or her ministry. Requirements: Being faithful and active in the faith; having a willingness to work with the catechists and with children; compliance with the diocesan policies regarding Safe Environment workshops and catechist certification; and attend scheduled catechists’ meetings.
Contact: Tanya Barbero
The message of the Divine Mercy is simple: it is that God loves us – all of us, and He wants us to recognize that His mercy is greater than our sins, so that we will call upon Him with trust, receive His mercy, and let it flow through us to others. Thus, all will come to share His joy.
Requirements: This group recites and sings the Divine Mercy Chaplet every Sunday at 3 pm in the St. Damien Chapel.
Contact: Dr. David Smith
This group shares a potluck supper followed by prayer and discussion of various topics of the Marianist tradition.
Requirements: Your commitment to meet monthly on the first and third Monday evening.
Contact: Martha Haleakala
Communion to the Sick: Hospital. This ministry was formed as part of the Outreach Program of the Diocese of Honolulu. Ministers visit the sick at Maui Memorial Medical Center, pray with the patients, and administer Holy Communion to the sick. Members who participate in this ministry are blessed as much as they bring blessings to the sick.
Requirements: Hospital ministers must be properly trained and commissioned as a Eucharistic Minister from our parish. As required by the Diocese of Honolulu, you must go through a Safe Environment training and background check.
Contact: Fr. Ace Tui
Communion to the Sick: Shut-ins and Hale Makua. “in bringing Communion to the ill and deprived, the minister of Communion represents Christ and manifests faith and charity on behalf of the whole community toward those who cannot be present at the Eucharist. For the sick, the receiving of communion is not only a privilege but also a sign of support and concern shown by our Christian community for its members who are ill.” -Guide for Ministers of Communion. Members of this ministry experience a fulfilling spiritual uplifting. As you bless others, you are also being blessed.
Requirements: Must be an active Eucharistic Minister (See requirement in Eucharistic Ministry).
Contact: Fr. Ace Tui
Members of this ministry give of themselves and their time to extend their support, prayers, and comfort to families facing and struggling with the loss of life. Bereavement members are ministers of care and consolation. They help those who have lost someone to walk through grief with the assistance of the parish community by assisting in the funeral arrangements whenever feasible, representing the parish community during the times of grieving with the real presence of Jesus, helping the families cope with grief by whatever means are available, and aid and assist others in this ministry. This group seeks to form small groups within the ministry to work together (and working with families), to be a support to one another through prayer, encouragement, sharing of ideas and insights, and to have at last one retreat/prayer weekend together.
Requirements: Setup refreshments and reception tables; arrange for readers; setup for Mass; cleanup; open/close the church. No special training except your earnest desire to help our prayer community in this respect.
Contact: Church Office
This group brings the message of Christ and the St. Anthony Catholic Community online. Outreach is done through the parish’s social media pages, web page, and podcasts.
Requirements: Member of the parish, able to attend parish events (outside of Mass), interest in photography and/or computers, and a desire to extend a digital hand to our Catholic community.
Contact: Fr. Ace Tui
This ministry focuses on spirituality and prayer in families and married life. This ministry will help to seek and promote family values and strengthen family bonds. Their objective is to provide support for couples and families.
Requirements: Anyone who welcomes, supports, and encourages families into a family of faith can be part of this wonderful ministry.
Contact: Tanya and Lee Barbero
This arts and crafts group was formed by a small group of parishioners interested in learning new artistic crafting skills, and at the same time, sharing their own creative knowledge with others. Over the years, you have seen their environmental decorations in the church – banners, altar cloths, etc. they also work hard all year to make beautiful or tasty items to sell at the annual Fall Faire. Fellowship and meeting new people is a wonderful part of this ministry.
Requirements: A desire to share your artistic crafting skills. Members meet and share each last Friday of the month from 9 am to noon in the Deacon Borges Meeting Room.
Contact: Valerie Standing
This ministry promotes faith and fellowship for the young adults of the Maui Vicariate using the EPIC (Ever Present In Christ) program.
Requirements: As their schedules allow, young adults meet twice monthly – once for faith sharing and reflections and once for social interaction.
Contact: Cecilia Jacinto
This ministry is to empower young people to live as disciples of Jesus Christ in our world today, to draw young people to participate in the life, mission, and work of the Catholic faith community, and to foster the total personal and spiritual growth of each young person.
Requirements: This group is open to students in the 6th through 12th grades.
Contact: Tanya Barbero & Yolanda Caniaveral
An organization of committed individuals, dedicated to working for the spiritual, moral, and social growth of Catholics and all people. Members’ time, talents, and treasures are shared and are wholeheartedly given back to God, through His Church; supporting St. Anthony parish ministries, the school, and the parish. Alive with the Holy Spirit, the organization sponsors movie nights, prayer assemblies, and fundraisers; activities that are always enriched with the fellowship of its members. Members and leaders have a vision of stewardship – a vision of spiritual, moral, and social growth for St. Anthony and the church. Much needs to be done and more can be done for this growth. Consider the SAFCC as a means of discipleship as a way of life.
Requirements: Membership is open to everyone regardless of ethnicity, at least 18 years of age and a registered parishioner of St. Anthony or any other parish, willing to be immersed spiritually and culturally with the Filipino heritage.
Contact: Lolita Eugenio
The Knights of Columbus is a Catholic men’s fraternal benefit society that was formed to render financial aid to members and their families. Mutual aid and assistance are offered to sick, disabled, and needy members and their families. Social and intellectual fellowship is promoted among members and their families through educational, charitable, religious, social welfare, war relief, and public relief works.
Requirements: Members must be male and 18 years or older.
Contact: David Sereda
The purpose of the Emergency Preparedness Committee is to ensure that a parish and its members are trained in how to respond in the event of an emergency or crisis, either man-made or natural.
Contact: Dan Powers
The Finance council is a consultative body which provides the pastor with advice concerning the stewardship of parish fiscal resources. It assists the pastor wih financial planning, analysis, budgeting, etc. Membership of the Finance Council is selected by the pastor.
Contact: Hilton Unemori
This committee meets regularly to prepare for the different themes for each Liturgical Season.
Requirements: Members are leaders of each liturgical ministry of St. Anthony Parish.
Contact: Fr. Ace Tui
The parish pastoral council brings together lay people and religious who, together with the pastor, work jointly to building the parish as a living Christian community. Through prayer and reflection, faith sharing, planning, animation, and action, the parish pastoral council is the place where ministries or services are brought forth that are needed for the growth of a living parish community.
Contact: Stephen Kealoha
Caring for the facilities used for worship, mission activities, and fellowship. Routine maintenance of the buildings' interior and exterior, and campus landscaping.
This Council works to broaden our opportunities to grow as disciples as we share our time, talent, and treasure. The Stewardship Council meets regularly to discuss additional ways to promote and encourage the practice of stewardship at the parish.
Contact: Anne Diola
Help promote and foster vocations to the priesthood and religious life within the parish. Hold gatherings, talks, prayer time and over events to encourage men and women to discern a religious vocation in life.
Contact: Msgr. Terry Watanabe
Office Hours: M-F, 8am-12pm, 1pm-5pm