Funeral Arrangements

Your Guide to a Catholic Funeral

"At the death of a Christian, whose life of faith was begun in the waters of Baptism and strengthened at the Eucharistic table, the Church intercedes on behalf of the deceased because of its confident belief that death is not the end, nor does it break the bonds forged in life. The Church also ministers to the sorrowing and consoles them in the funeral rites with the comforting Word of God and the Sacrament of the Eucharist." (Order of Christian Funerals, no. 4)

Understanding our Catholic Funeral Rites

Our Catholic funeral rites are intended to bring consolation to those who are grieving, to affirm our faith in Jesus Christ and His victory over sin and death, and to express our Christian hope in eternal life. Because these three principal rites together – Vigil, Funeral Mass, and Committal – form an integrated sequence of rites, each should be celebrated with the Christian community as a part of the Church’s pastoral care for the bereaved.

Overview of Catholic Funeral Rites Instructions on cremation

What to do after the death of a loved one?

  1. Before making funeral arrangements with a mortuary, please call St. Anthony Church first to discuss availability of the church and the priest. Our number is 808-244-4148, ext. 221.
  2. Speak with the parish secretary and request funeral services at St. Anthony Church. The secretary will schedule a meeting with the family and Fr. Ace Tui, Parochial Vicar.
  3. During the meeting, Fr. Ace will confirm the dates with the family or offer alternative dates if the requested date is not available.
  4. Fr. Ace will fill out the Funeral Arrangement Form with the family. A copy will be given to the family for their records.
  5. After the meeting with Fr. Ace, the family will schedule a meeting with the Music & Liturgy Director and a member of our Bereavement Ministry about the funeral for your loved one.


You must be a registered parishioner of St. Anthony Church to have funeral services at the parish.

Being an alumni of St. Anthony School does not make you an automatic parishioner of the Church.

Interested in having funeral services at

St. Anthony Church?

Contact us to schedule an appointment to  plan a funeral Mass or Prayer Service.

Book an appointment

Since the Eucharist is the “source and summit of the Christian life” (CCC 1324), Masses are an ideal way to pray for the dead, especially for those who are still on their journeys to heaven. 

The Mass is celebrated not only with members on earth but also with those already in the glory of heaven (CCC 1370). Therefore, Masses offered for the faithful departed are a powerful intercession that includes the prayers and offerings of both the earthly Church and the Church in heaven.


St. Anthony Church Columbaria

To inquire about our Columbaria at St. Anthony Church please contact Mr. Duane Pavao of Hawaii Catholic Cemeteries.

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